10 Lessons for Recessions

And so we may be on the cusp of a recession.

Recent stats are indicating that we may not be there yet. They are showing more optimism with inflation being more under control but even the most upbeat of us would struggle to deny the overall direction of travel. A recent eminent economist put it well: “From an economic perspective the UK has a tough 18 months ahead”.

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Derek Southall
A Conversation with a Builder

I recently found myself speaking to a builder. They were feeding back on the way that the current economy was affecting them but also on a recent experience with lawyers. There were the inevitable jokes about who was most expensive and cost overruns, but some more interesting themes emerged too.

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Derek Southall
The Failure of LegalTech

LegalTech is regarded as a hot sector from an investment perspective. Barely a day goes by without an announcement of new investment or fresh M&A (see our M&A tracker). I have been in the LegalTech market since around 1998 and so you could argue LegalTech has had a good 25 year run and the market should now be very advanced. In some ways this is true. We have large stable suppliers who invest a huge amount in R&D. In many ways however the market has failed to deliver on its potential. Let me explain why. Another way of putting this is to say that there has been a huge focus on parts of the market but little focus on other areas meaning there is a lot more that could be done.

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Derek Southall
Hyperscale Group – 5th Anniversary

Just a short note on our 5th Anniversary and a huge thank you to our clients, people and the other contacts we regularly work with.

It has been a phenomenal journey, most of our work is confidential but we have worked for professional services firms, in house teams, procurement teams, litigation funders, entrepreneurs, software vendors, strategic consultancies and private equity houses on what must be some of the most exciting projects and implementations in the marketplace.

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Derek Southall